Saturday, January 8, 2011

TheSis StateMEnt And ToPic SenTences

Posted by NurFarhanah at 10:50 AM 0 comments
Topic Sentence
The topic sentence and the thesis are analogous. In other words,the topic sentence is to the paragraph what the thesis is to the entire essay, chapter, or book. While the thesis gives unity to the essay, the topic sentence gives unity to the paragraph by developing one major point suggested in the controlling idea of the thesis. Like the thesis, the topic sentence is integral to the organization of the essay. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence.The organization of a paragraph is based on the topic sentence.Although it can be found in any part of the paragraph,the topic sentence is frequently the first sentence in the paragraph.
Elements of a topic sentence are:
  1. main subject
  2. controlling idea.
A topic sentence contain the main subject of the paragraph and a controlling idea.The controlling idea steers the main topic in the direction that the writer wants.

Writing goal: Understanding paragraph parts
Language focus:
  1. Identifying verbs and fragments
  2. nouns and nouns forms

1. It contains the dominating idea that the paragraph will develop.
2. It normally appears as the first sentence in each paragraph.
3. The controlling idea of the topic sentence is the essential descriptive or judgmental or argumentative part of the sentence and falls in the predicate of the sentence
4. The topic sentence, like the thesis, is also focused.
5. It is never a prediction nor a question, but rather a single declarative statement.

Thesis statement
A thesis statement is the basic stand that an author takes, the opinion that he expresses, and the major point that he wishes to make about his subject. It contains the controlling idea of the essay, and therefore, gives the direction and the unity to all the separate elements of the writing. The purpose of the essay is to convince the reader that the thesis is indeed a valid one.

   1. The first step in writing an effective thesis statement involves the focusing, limiting, or narrowing of the topic. The scope of the thesis will depend on length, purpose, audience, occasion, and knowledge's (see handout—Narrowing the topic)
   2. Each thesis will (a) state the subject clearly and specifically so that it can be broken into parts; (b) take a 
stand or attitude about the subject; and (c) provide the direction by indicating, implicitly or explicitly, the order in which the essay will develop the points.
   3. The controlling idea in the thesis is a word, phrase, or clause that states the opinion, attitude, or stand that the writer takes about the subject; it provides the angle from which the writer wishes to approach his subject.
The thesis statement states the thesis or argument of the author in an essay or similar document. Usually no more than a sentence or two long, it is a focused section of text that clearly delineates the argument that is presented in the work and is usually found at the end of the first paragraph of a paper. The thesis statement says what the author or authors are trying to prove in the document. The subject of the thesis statement reflects the topic of the paper and the predicate is usually what the author of the paper is trying to prove. The thesis statement is invaluable when constructing an outline, as it shows what points need to be proven.
A thesis statement is usually restated in a closing paragraph, if in a formal essay, containing a slightly varied format and using synonyms as to not make a passive statement. A thesis statement could be described as a 'topic sentence of the topic sentences (in the essay)' or an 'outine of the outline(in an essay or similar document)' because it can be the most important part of the opening section or paragraph in an essay or similar document. It has to be argued with whatever topic you have chosen to write a bout and you have to back it up on how it argues it.


ExeRsices Of AdJective,Verb AnD nOun

Posted by NurFarhanah at 10:17 AM 0 comments
This is My Mark For This Exercises i get 5 / 10 again.huhu....Miss Baiti give us a Questions Paper to do This Exercises.
This is The Answer for My Exercise.The Questions that i answered is
2.Write 5 Sentences about the activities you have done before coming to this class today.
3.Name a Movie That you Like The Most and Write 5 sentences on Why you like the Movie so Much.
4.In Many superhero movie/comic, the main Character would have pseudo-name that best simplify their power,for example Spider man is given to the Peter Parker for his spider-like abilities & the title Human Torch is given to Johnny Storm in Fantastic Four for his ability to generate flames.
Create a name for yourself that has simplify your best quality.


For Questions 1 this is about the tutorials Change the root words given below the Adjective,Verb & Noun.
After we fill the Questions Miss Baiti  give us the rite answer to us.


Posted by NurFarhanah at 9:12 AM 0 comments
The beginning of classes Miss Baiti write a word on the whiteboard.
That word is "KALEIDOSCOPE".Miss Baiti want us to finds as many word
we can searching from the word was given
After that, We are learning a new scope.It is about adjectives,verbs and nouns.

ThE VeRb

A group of words cannot be described as a sentence or a clause unless at least one of the words is a verb. In some ways, we can describe it as the most important part of speech because it is the 'action' word that tells the listener or reader what is happening in the sentence. Verbs can be ‘action’ words like run, initiate, judge, throw, but they can also denote less active notions and have more to do with mental processes and perceptions, like see, know, think and so on.
  • Verb: Expresses actions, events or states of being. For example, in the sentence 'Billy throws the ball,' 'throws' is the verb. 

ThE AdjEcTive

An adjective gives the reader or speaker extra information about a noun or delimits it in some way. It can occur in two positions in a phrase:
  • before the noun as in clear water, beautiful beaches, a terrible decision. The adjectives in these examples are said to be attributive
  • following any form of the verb be (e.g. am, is, was, been) and similar verbs (seem, appear, become) as in the water became clear, the beaches are beautiful. These adjectives are in predicative position.
  • Adverb: Modifies a verb, adjective, phrase, clause or another adverb. Adverbs can be found in various parts of a sentence but usually ends with '-ly.' For example, in the sentence 'Billy quickly throws the ball,' 'quickly' is the adverb.  

THe NOun

A noun is a word which is used to denote a person (traffic warden, woman, Prime Minister, pianist etc.), a concrete or abstract entity (binoculars, fork, field, truth, incoherence etc.) or a place (office, garden, railway station). These are all common nouns; there are also proper nouns which are the names of a specific person, place, event etc., usually starting with a capital letter, for example,  
York , John, Christmas, Saturday.
A noun can be extended to a noun phrase. In the example phrases given below, the noun (in the first example) and the noun phrase (in the remaining examples) is in bold. Note how much the noun phrase can be extended by adding extra information each time.
Dogs can be vicious
Some dogs can be vicious
Some of the dogs can be vicious
Some of the bigger dogs can be vicious
Some of the bigger dogs in the dog pound can be vicious
  • Noun: Used to name an abstract idea, animal, person, place or thing. Sentences typically contain more than one noun. For example, in the sentence 'Billy met his friends at the zoo,' the words 'Billy,' 'friends' and 'zoo' are all nouns.

ApPliCaTion Letter WriTing

Posted by NurFarhanah at 8:54 AM 0 comments
AppliCation Letter WriTing

This is The InForMation Written at The White Board By Miss Baiti so Based On This InformaTion Miss Baiti Give us An Exercise tO do The AppliCation LettEr WriTing.

1.RelaTionShip BetWeen ReaderS And WriTers
2.FOrMat : BodY
                       : cLosiNg
3.The Permanent Of The Letter : Some Sort Of a ReLoved An Attribute
                    : Snail Mail
                : E-Mails
This Two TyPe Of Emails iS For Apply JoBs.

MeSsage Or ConTent Of AppliCation Letter

1.EtHos : How You Potray YourSelf in Your WriTing (SpecialiTies,ATtituDes,PersOnality)
2. PaThos : ThE VendeRs EmoTioNs Or ReacTions Upon REading Your WriTing.
3.LoGos : " SpEech " "MessaGes" You ConVeYing LiNes.

AftEr The LeCture Miss Baiti WanteD us To Do The Exercise For Application Letter WriTing .
He WanTed Us To Write An aPpliCation Letter To AnY of These DePartMent in IKEA.
1.DepaRtMent Of TextiLes
2.DePartMent Of LigHting
3.DePartMent Of DeCoratiOns
(Wall,Clock,Frames,Pot,ArtiCal FloWers)

4.DePartMent Of OrgaNizaTion
i ChoOsE To Write An AppliCaTion Letter For DePartMent Of TExtilEs.So After i Write My AppliCation Letter i Passup To Miss Baiti and The Result i Get it Next Week.So This is My Result i Hope My English Will Be Better After This.

In This ExerciSes i Only Get 5/10....huhu...worried about my marks so i hope in the next exercises i will get better marks.

AbOuT Me RaRa ^_^

Posted by NurFarhanah at 7:53 AM 0 comments
hey.My name is Nur Farhanah bt Zainal  & i'am 23 years old :)
im student of Bachelor in Digital Graphic Art & Design now i in Semester 4...i cant wait to finished my studies in Unisel Shah Alam.
This is my first time to do this english blog because i have a blog before this but in bahasa malaysia,so i hope when i do this blog with my English i hopefully it will make my English much better.So if u guys read my blog and have a broken grammar so ur guys understand lah ea ^_^
the simple girl ever ^_^
The Only RARA

AsSigNmEnt / ProJect Work ^_*

Posted by NurFarhanah at 7:41 AM 0 comments
This is our first project for Subject : Technical English II Subject Code : ZES 1243 .
We get this Project in 15 December 2010 i guess.

Subject : Technical English 2 (English for Occupational Purposes)Code : ZES1243
Level : Bachelor Degree

Credit Hour : 3 (3+0) = 3

Pre Requisite : Pass Technical English 1 Examination

Assessment & Evaluation : Coursework 30%
Test 1 15%

Test 2 15%
Final Exam 40% 

So We Have To Create a Blog aNd Have tO WriTtEn eVery Week To Recall And ReFlect Back The Lesson That We Have Learnt For This PartiCular Subject.

So HappY Blogging To All My Class Mate. : )

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